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5 Amazing Almond Benefits, Nutrition Facts & Side Effects

5 Amazing Almond Benefits, Nutrition Facts & Side Effects

Almonds are well loved- and for a reason. They are one of the most recurring ingredients or flavors in an abundance of different delicacies around the world. For thousands of years, the almond has been immensely popular and consumed in almost every region of the world. This is because almond benefits, especially soaked almond benefits, are plenty, and were recognized right back in the past by our ancestors.

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Today, it’s an incredibly common nut, but hardly a few know its real value and impact on our bodies. Behind its exterior lie health boons and evidence that makes it appear in so many of our favorite food recipes. Here is an in-depth study about all aspects of an almond, including almond benefits, its nutritional value, and even side effects; and why you must add it to your daily food regime!

Nutritional Facts & Countless Almond Benefits, Along with it’s Side-Effects

almond benefits

1. Health Benefits

An interesting fact about almonds is that they are technically seeds, but are widely regarded as nuts! In reality, they are seeds inside a hard fruit covering. Here are some almond benefits that make it a healthy and tasty munching snack!

A. Improves Gut Health

The perfect nut for the gut! One of the big almond benefits is that it contains non-digestible plant fiber or carbs, which fuel the good bacteria living inside us, thus acting as prebiotics. The nuts are linked to protecting the gastrointestinal tract of our body, and retaining its health, which results in an improved immunity system!

B. Strengthens Bones

Almonds toughen up your bones! Rich in bone strengthening nutrients, two tablespoons of almonds contain 111 mg of Calcium and 240 mg of Protein. It also has plenty of Phosphorus, which with the help of Calcium and Protein helps your body to build strong bones, and protect them from any fractures or injuries.

C. Reduces Cholesterol

Fun fact about almonds: they contain ZERO cholesterol! As a result, the bad cholesterol in your body, or LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is lowered. Almonds also contribute to bringing up good cholesterol, otherwise known as HDL (high-density lipoprotein). That’s not the end of it, as almond benefits also expand to contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which work wonders for your heart.

D. Regulates Blood Pressure

Along with reducing bad cholesterol, eating almonds can keep your blood pressure in check. For blood pressure to lower, our blood cells must relax, which is possible with the help of magnesium. It’s no secret that this nut does not fall behind in magnesium, and this is one of the biggest almond benefits! Lower blood pressure equals lower chances of heart-related diseases!

E. Weight Management

If you are struggling with weight management, any nuts, but especially almonds are your best friends! The protein and fiber residing in almonds make you fuller fast, and you can regulate your food intake through this method. Do keep in mind to check the portion size as these nuts also contain calories.

2. Nutritional Facts

Almond benefits are excellent to improve memory and keep your mind healthy. The main nutrients that comprise almonds are Magnesium, Manganese, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B2. The daily recommended intake of almonds is 1/4th cup. Which is roughly 23 almonds. Having more than 23 almonds can cause side effects.

Other nutritional values in 1 ounce or 28.3g of Almonds are:

  • 13g Fat
  • 6g Protein
  • 6g Carbohydrates
  • 3g Dietary Fiber
  • 1g Sugar
  • 152 Calories

Almond Benefits

3. Side Effects

Almonds are a pinnacle of health! But, like all things in excess, too many almonds can cause serious side effects. Eating more than recommended almonds can cause constipation, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. It can also reduce nutrient absorption in the long run. Moreover, due to its high-calorie content, eating too many almonds can make you gain weight.

Almonds can also be allergic to some. The protein Amandin in almonds is an allergen and can cause mild or major reactions. Make sure you are not allergic to almonds before consuming them.

In An Almond-Nutshell

If almonds weren’t already a part of your daily diet, this blog is more than enough proof to add these crunchy nuts to your meals! Its nutrients and countless almond benefits make it one of the healthiest ingredients in our food platter.

A few ways to enjoy these nuts include adding sliced almonds to your cereal or fruit salad, roasting and seasoning them, or grinding them to add to milkshakes or baking creations. You can also enjoy a handful of almonds during your meals. To eat a percentage of the daily recommended intake of almonds, head over to Xinoa Bites!

The energy bars include almonds, along with various other nutritional nuts and dry fruits. Order Xinoa Bites Energy Bars to add almonds to your daily food today!

October 4, 2022

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