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Best Health Tips for Monsoon: 5 Foods to Avoid & 5 To Eat!

Health Tips for Monsoon

Health Tips for Monsoon – here’s what to avoid and what to eat this rainy season.

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The arrival of a monsoon means the arrival of a weaker immune system. While everywhere you see outside is full of puddles and water-filled streets, food such as fried delicacies seems even more enticing to us. Ever wondered why we crave unhealthy food more when it rains?

Studies have shown that weather conditions are known to directly impact our mood. That’s why weather, which is commonly considered unpleasant, such as rain, makes our mood turn sour. This negative mood in turn contributes to “hedonic consumption”, which is pleasure-seeking consumption. That’s why you crave chaat items in the monsoon, even though you know you’ll fall sick afterward. And in the end, your stomach and body take the brunt of it. Spicy, dried, and deep-fried food is harder to digest in an already weak digestive system.

Vitamin C rich dry fruits are the perfect monsoon food! Check out this blog.

But the question is how do I eat healthy while also satisfying my desire to eat tasty junk food? Well, lucky for you, many healthy recipes and foods are just as tasty as some of their junk food counterparts. Without further delay, let’s jump right into some health tips for monsoon- 5 foods you should avoid, and 5 healthy, and equally tasty replacements!

Health tips for Monsoon: 5 Foods to Avoid & 5 Food to Eat!

    1. Avoid Soft & Fizzy Drinks; Replace them with: Smoothies!

      One of the best health tips for monsoon anyone could give you! Soft drinks, aerated drinks, or fizzy drinks are a big no-no in the rainy season. For starters, it gets colder, making these more harmful for you than usual. The way they cause harm is by reducing enzyme activity and slowing down digestion and metabolism.
      The replacements are good-old smoothies! Yes, these are also cold, but you can customize them to room temperature for the cold weather. Plus these are full of fruits that build up immunity and strength to help you through monsoons! Some rain-friendly fruits are peaches, cherries, and apples!

    2. Avoid: Cold Curd, Replace with: Cheese!

      While curd does have many healthy properties, its cold nature could harm you in the monsoon. Having too much curd can increase the risk of contracting a cold, cough, or sore throat. Plus, for those with sinuses, having more curd will just make your pain more persistent. Along with curd, fermented food such as dosa, idli, and dhokla have also been frowned upon.
      But you might be wondering, what do I replace curd with? You can try cream cheese! In moderation, the fat content in cheese can keep you warm in cooler weather. For options with more protein content, you can try tofu or paneer.

    3. Avoid: Spicy & Fried Food, Replace with Sandwich & Nuts

      Here comes the biggest challenge of them all! How do you resist the temptation of pakoras, bhajjis, and samosas this monsoon season? I know just listening to their names has made you hungry. But what if I tell you that excessive oil is your worst enemy? The oil is most often toxic, especially from street shops. The batter and other ingredients make it harder for your stomach to digest when it is already at a low.
      Toast with avocado
      Here are some tried & tested foods that can help you satisfy the craving for fried food: Grilled sandwiches with veggies & cheese, Roasted Seasoned Papad, and Seasoned Nuts & Seeds. While fried food is delicious, only eat it in extreme moderation, and only if your immunity system is strong enough to withstand it!

    4. Avoid Leafy Vegetables, Replace them with Legumes

      You may be surprised by this next item on our list! Yes, we know that leafy vegetables are extremely healthy, but one of the best health tips for monsoon is to actually avoid these. During the rainy season, the air contains excess moisture. This moisture is full of bacteria and microorganisms. Leafy vegetables are the perfect place for this moisture with its germs to accumulate. Take caution and clean these vegetables thoroughly before eating them.
      A good replacement for these are legumes and beans. These are high in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, the full package! Some legumes to try are moong dal, chickpeas, pinto beans, and lentils. You can whip up a bowl of delicious hummus with chickpeas and enjoy it with bread or celery.

    5. Avoid: Street-Side Chaat, Replace with Home-Made Chaat

      Here we are at another extremely tempting monsoon item that is extremely hard to resist. I am sure you know how dangerous it is to eat street-side chaat items in the monsoon season. The tasty satisfaction always results in weeks of infections, stomach problems, and coughs. What if I told you that you can chase the same satisfaction in different dishes?
      While you should still be cautious while eating chaat, the homemade version is a hundred times better than the street-side version. Some chaat versions you can make at home include aloo-chaat, sprouts chaat, and more!


Now that you know some of the best health tips for monsoon, I hope you actively eat these foods and use them as replacements for some of the junk food. Another tasty and healthy monsoon snack to eat is a Xinoa Bites bar! These energy bars are full of nuts, dry fruits, and nutrients that keep you active and rejuvenated. Order home your favorite flavors today!

July 13, 2023

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